Support as Agile Coach
Coaching leadership in
agile change
Supervision für Scrum Master
I support you on site or remotely as Agile Coach or Scrum Master to foster agility and selforganisation in your enterprise.
Analysis of processes, Goals, Teams
​Workshops about Tools & Frameworks
Moderation of Scrum Meetings ​
Support in case of conflicts
Finding solutions
Coaching & sparring
Teambuilding & teamcoaching
Consulting about frameworks, tools, and scaling
Consulting and fostering agile leadership
Sparring and Mentoring over 12 weeks to become an agile leader
(short notice sessions possible)
Potential Topics:
Deep understanding of Scrum and agile processes
Team dynamics
Sparring and support
Solutions for concrete topics
Weekly email support
Video- and book recommendations to create a solid knowledge base
Become the scrum master you want to be - through coaching, mentoring, and supervision.
(short notice sessions possible)
​Potential topics
Specific challenges in your
day-to-day work -
Clear and confident communication
with team and leadership -
Tools for Coaching and Moderation
How to lead conflicts constructively